150 result(s) found. Displaying 81 - 88 of 150 articles.
The 2018 Survey of Formal Education covers key data for the school year ending in 2017 required for the monitoring of international and national education goals. Following the adoption of the...
The UIS has launched a pilot survey on heritage statistics to collect information on Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11), Target 11.4.1, which measures how much countries spend on the...
Six out of ten children and adolescents are unable to meet minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, according to the UIS. A new paper presents the methodology used to produce these...
The Global Alliance to Monitor Learning (GAML) is designed to improve learning outcomes by supporting national strategies for learning assessments and developing internationally-comparable indicators...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the UNESCO International Bureau of Education are working together to support national strategies for measuring learning and to enable international reporting...
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has launched a global consultation on a set of key definitions used in “UNESCO’s Recommendation Concerning the International Standardization of Statistics on...
The international community has pledged to have all children and youth in school and learning by 2030 as part of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4). Yet according to estimates by the UNESCO...
The UIS has released new internationally-comparable cultural employment statistics. The collection includes 195 indicators offering a comprehensive perspective of cultural industries in 73 countries...