150 result(s) found. Displaying 97 - 104 of 150 articles.
New data on out-of-school children and youth A new policy paper released jointly by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report shows that the global...
The UIS Theory of Change shows how to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes globally by catalysing a fundamental shift in the ways in which international education data are produced...
The UIS has issued its most important education data release of the year, with a series of newly developed indicators to inform the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a wider range of data....
The UIS has released three information papers to help governments produce, interpret and use accurate indicators on out-of-school children. By exploring specific methodological issues, the papers...
The UIS is bringing together key actors from across the international education community through two flagship initiatives that will be meeting in May to help set the course for the measurement...
Children and adolescents with disabilities are more likely to be out of school or to leave school before completing primary education Under the banner of accountable and participatory governance for...
The UIS has published updated indicators for the cinema industry that include the results of the latest Feature Film Survey. Data from 93 countries and territories cover film production, exhibition...
Conducted every two years, the aim of the survey is to meet the growing need for comparable data on innovation in the business sector, which is an important driver of economic growth. It seeks to...