From this issue 2, volume 33, ESS journal begins to present two sections: the General Section dedicated to articles that are permanently sent to the journal and after an evaluation process are selected those that, of course, are relevant to the thematic focus of this publication. The other section is devoted to articles submitted in response to a theme established according to the public call and are placed in the Thematic Dossier Section. Thus, on this occasion, this issue of ESS has 9 articles in the general section that address reflections and studies on a variety of topics, including issues on university pedagogy, innovative university curriculum design and planning, challenges of higher education in the face of sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals, equality, equity and gender gap in higher education, university governance, indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in higher education, knowledge production in higher education, online research and internationalization of higher education. The articles that make up the dossier entitled: "Challenges of higher education in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean", approach the topic from different perspectives. A group of these articles show a reflective and general view, while others analyze the impact of the pandemic on groups of institutions, whether in national or sub-national terms. Another series of texts emphasize the impact of the pandemic on some of the specific functions of the university (research, extension, internationalization) and others present the perspective of some of the actors at the higher education level, first and foremost the teachers and the impact on their teaching task, but also that of the students. Finally, the dossier is completed by articles that focus on specific pedagogical experiences.

Published: 2021-11-15


General section articles