Gender gaps in university governance and teaching careers in Peru

Keywords: Higher Education; Universities; Gender Equality; University Governance; Equity Policies.


This article explores gender gaps in university governance, analyzing evidence related to the distribution of positions by sex, both in senior management and academic leadership in Peruvian universities, as well as in the teaching staff. It is shown that there is little participation of women in university governing bodies, information that is analyzed according to the type of university and the field of knowledge of the academic faculty. Likewise, a reconstruction on the teaching hierarchy is made, showing that there is a limited presence of women in senior teaching positions with full-time dedication in the university, which would prevent an eventual election as representatives to the rectorship. Since women are a quantitatively minority group in Peruvian university positions, the study seeks to provide evidence that can be used to promote gender equality policies. In particular, those that promote a greater presence of women in the teaching career in important positions and facilitate the new generations of female students to have leadership, management and academic mentoring referents within the universities.

Author Biographies

Carmela Chávez Irigoyen, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Perú

Doctora en sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y especialista en sistemas educativos extranjeros de la Superintendencia Nacional de Educación Superior Universitaria – SUNEDU. Es miembro de la Sociedad de Investigación Educativa Peruana (SIEP) y docente universitaria.

Esteban Penelas Ronso Merino, Universidad de Piura (UDEP), Perú

Bachiller en Economía otorgado por la Universidad de Piura (Perú), que trabajó como asistente de investigación en la misma universidad, y como analista en el Ministerio de Educación. Actualmente, se desempeña como analista en la Superintendencia Nacional de Educación Superior Universitaria (SUNEDU).

How to Cite
Chávez Irigoyen, C., & Penelas Ronso Merino, E. (2021). Gender gaps in university governance and teaching careers in Peru. Revista Educación Superior Y Sociedad (ESS), 33(2), 738-766.