On 26 and 27 June 2013, an international colloquium on African cultural policies will be held: cooperation, models and strategies at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (École des hautes études en sciences sociales -- EHESS) in Paris, France.

This two-day event will be supported by the Labex C.A.P, the Department of European and International Affairs of the General Directorate of Heritage of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, the French Nationa Heritage Institute (Institut National du Patrimoine) and the Center for research in arts and languages (CRAL -- Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage).

This colloquium aims to study cultural institutions and public policies in the sector of creation, of art and heritage. It focuses on museum policies observed recently in Africa and new planning initiatives of creation and heritage in the field of cultural diversity and sustainable development. This event is also devoted to the construction and the diffusion of models of public policies and the way by which sociocultural representations influence the normative translation of legal principles. These discussions aim to confront the institutions of socio-economic changes in the context of globalization and take some assessments of cultural policies in force.

The meeting aims to promote the sharing of experience through an exchange between professionals, experts and researchers in intersectorial dynamics.

Colloquium coordinated by Malick Ndiaye :  Postdoctorant Labex CAP (Creation, Arts and heritages). Centre for researche in arts and languages  (CRAL). CNRS-EHESS. UMR8566. Associated researcher in the National institute for heritage. Contacts : 06 12 29 70 30 /  mlkopictura@yahoo.fr