Closing Remarks by Mr Tao ZhanDirector, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE)

Dear colleagues, fellow teachers and students,
Hello from Moscow!

Tao.PNGHello from Moscow!

UNESCO Institute IITE is very proud of being part of the Webinar today, very proud of being a member of UNESCO ASPnet global family!

It is so nice and precise talking to you face to face online, listening to your touching and inspiring stories, and sharing advices and views with all of you at this difficult and critical moment, a moment none of us had experienced before-not just for you, my young friends but for people of my age as well. Therefore, we share much in common-our feelings, worries, concerns and anxieties. It is clear, unfortunately that there is no easy solution for the current situation. However, it is also clear that when we are standing together and helping each other, shoulder by shoulder, heart to heart, we are much stronger! This is the power of being united as one team. Our Webinar today is a good example.

Just days ago we celebrated the Victory Day of World War II, which reminded us part of the most difficult and heartbreaking history in human history. Only when being united as one, we finally achieved the victory. And also being united as one, we have been succeed in keeping peace in most part of the world for over 75 years. The celebration of Victory Day this year has demonstrated not only the power of unity, but also the power of technology-the digital technology of our age because the most part of memorial was happening online like how we are gathering now. Digital technologies could help us break boundaries of space and time. However, it is still not enough. We expect more. For instance, we would expect that digital technologies could break boundaries of different languages, could bring Internet connectivity to everyone particularly to children in Africa and remote areas, could better support people with special needs to enjoy the same education opportunities. This is possible! This will be our future!

Although the pandemic is still not yet over, we need to look at the future even today. We need to be optimistic. If we look at the history of human beings, after every crisis no matter big or small, there will be new booming and new development. This is the resilience of human being, of us. And this pandemic will not be an exception. After the pandemic, we are going to embrace a new era, an era of digital revolution with digital economy, digital technology and digital education. All of us will have the chance to experience and witness this new revolution. However, your role will be different, my young friends, because you are young and innovative. You are going to lead this change and revolution. You are the future! The only question is, are you well prepared for this new age? And how we, teachers, parents and experts could better support you so that you could be better prepared for this new age? With these question marks I am finishing the closing remark of the Webinar today.

Keep safe and carry on!

Thank you very much. ​