Higher education
As the only United Nations agency with a mandate in higher education, UNESCO supports national efforts to enhance quality assured higher education provision in favour of equity and the equal distribution of opportunities for all learners. This is in line with Target 4.3 of SDG 4 which aims, by 2030, “to ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university”. Particular focus is placed on developing countries, notably in Africa.
The Organization supports countries to enhance recognition, mobility and inter-university cooperation in higher education through the ratification and implementation of the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education and regional recognition conventions. The UNESCO Qualifications Passport for Refugees and Vulnerable Migrants serves as an implementation mechanism for the conventions’ relevant provisions for these groups.
Because internationalization and growing demand in developing countries are dominant trends, UNESCO is expanding work on quality assurance, developing the capacity of countries to establish dedicated agencies and networks.