Press release

Ukraine: UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of journalist Oksana Baulina

The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, has condemned the killing of Russian journalist Oksana Baulina in Kyiv on 23 March. She died during shelling while filming in the Podil district of the city.
I condemn the killing of Oksana Baulina and reiterate my call to respect the United Nations Security Council resolution 2222 (2015) on the protection of journalists, media professionals and associated personnel in times of conflict, in order to allow the free flow of information, and ensure the rights of journalists to inform the world about the realities of war.
Audrey Azoulay
Audrey Azoulay UNESCO Director-General

Oksana Baulina worked for the investigative website The Insider, reporting from Kyiv and Lviv. She is the fifth journalist to die in the conflict.

On 17 March, the Director-General announced new measures to protect journalists in Ukraine, including the provision of protective equipment and accelerated training, especially for those who do not have experience working in conflict zones.

UNESCO promotes the safety of journalists through global awareness-raising, capacity building and a range of actions, notably in the framework of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.

See also: UNESCO observatory of killed journalists


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