Transforming Education Pre-Summit

28-30 June
Last update: June 24, 2022

Transforming Education Pre-Summit

The Transforming Education Pre‐Summit will be organized in Paris on 28‐30 June 2022. A Global Engagement Day on 28 June will include technical meetings on Thematic Action Tracks and engagements with key stakeholders. The High‐level segment consisting of Ministerial and Stakeholder engagement will take place from 29‐30 June 2022.

The overall objective is to harness the evolving discussions on transforming education, elaborate initial content for the Summit, and generate greater momentum in the lead up to September.

Phase 1 - Pre-Summit

28-30 June


The objective is to harness the evolving discussions on transforming education, elaborate initial content for the Summit.

Phase 2 - Summit

19 September (TBC)

United Nations, New York

The objective of the Summit is the mobilisation of the political ambition, action, solutions and solidarity to transform education.

Read about the Transforming Education Pre-Summit

28-30 June UNESCO, Paris


28-30 June UNESCO, Paris

Transforming Education Summit

United Nations, New York, 2022

Transforming Education: Over 140 Ministers of Education at UNESCO HQ to draw roadmap

UNESCO is to host the Transforming Education Pre-Summit on 28-30 June, a meeting of Ministers of Education, policy and business leaders and youth activists, who come together to build a roadmap to transform education globally.

TES pre-Summit