TCG Composition

The TCG is composed of a maximum of 35 regionally representative members of Member States, multilateral agencies and civil society groups, in addition to the Co-Chair of the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee.

There is a rotation of the TCG members every two years and members are elected based on UNESCO’s official electoral regional groupings.

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) hosts the TCG Secretariat and is co-chaired by Silvia Montoya, Director of UIS, and Manos Antoninis, Director of the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR).

For the period of 2018-2020, which has been extended to 2021, the TCG is composed of the following:

UNESCO Member States

Western Europe and North America

  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • Sweden

Asia and the Pacific

  • Bangladesh
  • Indonesia
  • P.R. China
  • Pakistan

Arab States

  • Oman
  • Lebanon
  • Saudi Arabia

Eastern Europe

  • Armenia
  • Estonia
  • Russian Federation

Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Brazil
  • Columbia
  • Cuba
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Angola
  • Gambia
  • Zambia

Multilateral SDG 4 partner agencies

Civil society and international organizations


The co-chair of the SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee representing Member States

The TCG also includes, as observers, representatives of Member States, regional agencies, non-government organizations, and regional commissions able to provide expert technical advice and support throughout the framework implementation process.

Western Europe and North America

  • Belgium
  • Norway
  • Turkey

Asia and the Pacific

  • Japan
  • Philippines
  • Republic of Korea

Arab States

  • Egypt
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab States

Eastern Europe

  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic
  • Slovak Republic

Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Argentina
  • Peru
  • Venezuela

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Burkina Faso
  • Kenya
  • South Africa