Family learning

family learning - dad, baby and grandma

From theory to practice

Since 2017, UIL has been undertaking systematic interventions, conducting pilot projects in selected communities in two countries in sub-Saharan Africa: Ethiopia and the Gambia. UIL has been working closely with national and district education officers, adult literacy facilitators and pre-primary teachers to adapt existing research and family literacy approaches to the countries’ needs.

After the successful completion of the pilot projects, training modules were designed to further strengthen capacities and provide targeted support in participating countries.

In 2020 and 2021, over 300 participants from more than 70 countries successfully completed online training courses on family and intergenerational literacy and learning organized by the UIL and the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). The courses supported Member States and partners in providing inclusive, equitable, and relevant education for adults and children, particularly in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Government representatives, education experts, NGO workers, schoolteachers, researchers, professors and graduate students benefited from 11 modules providing them with practical knowledge of and skills related to FILL approaches. Areas covered included planning family learning sessions; training facilitators; and managing, monitoring and evaluating FILL programmes.

This course has provided me with a deeper insight into the value of family and intergenerational learning. I am more aware that through family learning, the very core beliefs and values that were once held dear can be changed with new knowledge. I have learnt how this concept has brought about tremendous changes to the lives of people all around the world.
Regional Literacy Coordinator Ministry of Education, Guyana
UIL Course: Planning a Family Intergenerational Literacy and Learning Programme

Week 1

UIL Course: Planning a Family Intergenerational Literacy and Learning Programme

Week 2

UIL Course: Planning a Family Intergenerational Literacy and Learning Programme

Week 3

UIL Course: Planning a Family Intergenerational Literacy and Learning Programme

Week 4

Partners: The project was initially funded by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. Key implementing partners include the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education, the UNESCO Liaison Office in Addis Ababa, the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education of the Gambia, and the Gambia National Commission for UNESCO.

Multimedia story: The power of literacy
sunflower grandmas of Uganda and teacher
UIL blog post: COVID-19: ‘This programme saved my life’
family learning


22 JULY 2021

UIL online course on family and intergenerational literacy and learning successfully completed

25 MARCH 2021

Register now for UIL’s latest course on family and intergenerational literacy and learning

8 OCTOBER 2020

UIL launches a course on family and intergenerational literacy and learning

18 DECEMBER 2019

Learning together through life: Building capacity in family literacy


Advancing Family and Intergenerational Learning in Ethiopia


Unlocking the potential of family and intergenerational learning
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Learning together across generations: guidelines for family literacy and learning programmes
Familias del aprendizaje: enfoques intergeneracionales para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la alfabetización
Engaging Families in Literacy and Learning – UIL Policy Brief 9
Review of international experience and best practice in family literacy
Review of international experience and best practice in family literacy cover page