Strategic Management Council
Ms. Audrey Azoulay | Director-General
The General Conference of UNESCO, at its 41st session, has elected Ms Audrey Azoulay for a second mandate as Director-General of the Organization.

Mr Xing Qu | Deputy Director-General - DDG
Born in 1956, Mr Qu holds a PhD in Political Science from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (IEP) (1992)
Mr Qu served as Assistant President of CFAU where he was responsible for the organization of teaching at the University.
He was Permanent Representative of China to the International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, where he managed Chinese cooperation with BIE and coordinated preparations for the World Expo2010 Shanghai China (Expo 2010). At the same time, as Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr Qu served as Minister at the Chinese Embassy in France. He was responsible for bilateral affairs and administration of the internal functioning of the Embassy. He also supervised the Permanent Delegation of the People's Republic of China to UNESCO.

Assistant Director-General for Education ADG/ED

ADG for the Natural Sciences - ADG/SC

ADG for the Social and Human Sciences - ADG/SHS

Assistant Director-General for Culture - ADG/CLT

ADG for Communication and Information - ADG/CI

Executive Secretary of IOC - ADG/IOC

ADG for Priority Africa and External Relations - ADG/PAX

ADG for Administration and Management - ADG/ADM

Chief of Staff, Office of the Director-General - DIR/CAB

Director of the Division for Gender Equality - DIR/ODG/GE

Director of the Bureau of Strategic Planning - DIR/BSP


Director of the Internal Oversight Service - DIR/IOS