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Creative Cities of Literature to be reunited in Melbourne

Creative Cities of Literature to be reunited in Melbourne

Mon, 09/05/2022 to Sun, 09/11/2022

From 5 to 11 September 2022, the UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature will be reunited in Melbourne (Australia), on the occasion of their sub-network’s annual meeting.  

The meeting will be an occasion for Creative Cities of Literature from all over the globe to reunite over a week, with the aim to discuss, exchange and collaborate on projects to strengthen international and inter-city cooperation.

The event is intended to be culturally rich and insightful, as it will be launched with a “Welcome to Country”, an important ceremony through which Aboriginal people welcome visitors to their land, followed by an immersive journey into the history of Melbourne’s Indigenous people. The delegates will be invited to partake in a series of meetings, cultural tours, roundtables focusing on the role of literature in creative economy, youth employment and cultural tourism. To supplement these exchanges, various cultural activities will be held during the evenings, such as theater performances, literature orientated activities (Melbourne Writers Festival), amongst others.

The Cities of Literature Annual Meeting will enable participating members to develop local awareness and understanding about the Network and its goals. It will also bring international visibility to the host city and its activities in culture and creativity. Furthermore, the event will lead to inter-city exchange of good practices, induce potential partnerships, and contribute to placing culture and creativity at the center of many future initiatives.  

For more information on the meeting, please visit the following link: www.cityofliterature.com.au


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