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“My Creative School”: students in Rome redesign their school through Visual Arts and Film

“My Creative School”: students in Rome redesign their school through Visual Arts and Film

Fri, 03/11/2022 to Wed, 06/08/2022

From March to June, Rome, a Creative City of Film is engaged as a partner in the implementation of 'My Creative School', an educational project initiated by the Italian Youth Association for UNESCO covering devious areas from Visual Arts to Film, applying creativity and arts to urban regeneration.

The aim of this 4-month project conceived by an association of committed young volunteers, is to introduce over 50 students from an Artistic High School in Rome to the concept of urban regeneration and the importance of film as a means of expression and storytelling.

On 11 March, the project was presented at a press conference held at Luiss University in Rome. The event was attended by members of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, among others, who expressed their strong support and appreciation of the initiative.

During the introductory meetings, the students were familiarized with the process of urban regeneration through arts and the concept of “creative city”, thanks to the master classes delivered by project partners “Melting pro”, a local enterprise promoting cultural participation and “Rome City of Film” office.

The students then initiated their own artistic regenerative interventions with the aim of reviving some areas of their school building. As a result, three different corners of the school were creatively redesigned using colorful paints. This process was also filmed as a short film, whose trailer will be projected on the occasion of the final event to be organized on 8 June.

Through this interdisciplinary project across design, crafts and film, a growing awareness of the role of creativity and culture in urban regeneration processes has been conveyed to the young participants. By supporting this project, the Creative City of Rome highlighted the importance of youth associations and volunteering in shaping culturally vibrant communities and enhancing the creativity of youngsters and their participation in cultural life.

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