The Digital Pedagogy MAKE-A-THON is a freestyle course-design competition open to all teachers, researchers, students, and education enthusiasts.

The objective of the make-a-thon is to create courses that can help improve human flourishing through education. The participants, in teams of 1-4, will design courses for one of three themes:

Theme 1: Social Emotional Learning + X

Theme 2: Education for Sustainable Development

Theme 3: Developing Research Mindset


Target audience/ learners of the designed course should be able to complete the course 3 hours (maximum) if attempted at a stretch. There would be two levels of deliverables.

  • LEVEL 1

Submission of a course design draft. The template can be found here.

  • LEVEL 2

Selected submissions from Level 1 will qualify for Level 2.

In Level 2, teams will have to implement their course designs on UNESCO MGIEP's online learning platform,

Evaluation Criteria and Rewards

The three best course designs, one in each theme, would be the winners of this competition. The evaluations would be done on the following factors:

  1. Quality of learning objectives

  2. Opportunities for active learning

  3. Use of technology for learning

  4. Evidence-based selection of pedagogy

  5. Quality of formative Assessment

  6. Quality of resources

  7. Use of open educational resources

More details on the evaluation criteria can be found on

Winning teams will visit New Delhi and present their courses in the 10th-anniversary celebration of UNESCO MGIEP between 5th Dec - 7th Dec 2022. UNESCO MGIEP will sponsor their travel to New Delhi. If visas or other issues prevent them from attending the 10-year celebration in person, participants living outside India can make online presentations. Additionally, winning teams will be rewarded with certificates, UNESCO MGIEP T-Shirts, a gift hamper, and most importantly, their courses will be hosted on FramerSpace's public courses list.


  • 20th September

Submissions Open

  • 16th October

Phase 1 Deadline for submission of a detailed course plan (Learning Objectives, Activities etc.)

  • 20th October 23rd October

Acceptance notification to shortlisted participants

  • 5th November 11th November

Phase 2 Deadline for submission into online learning platform - FramerSpace

  • 10th November 18th November

Final results notification

  • 6th December

Presentations by the winning teams


Theme 1

Social Emotional Learning + X: Synergistic Learning of SEL with traditional curricular topics

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is defined as the process of acquiring knowledge, competencies, skills and/or attitudes to recognize and manage emotions, develop concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions and handle challenging situations.

UNESCO MGIEP focuses on enhancing the Social and Emotional Competencies (SEC) of Empathy, Mindfulness, Compassion, and Critical Inquiry (EMC2) of teachers. These competencies can be defined as:

  • Empathy: The ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. It is putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they must be feeling.

  • Compassion: The process of recognizing suffering and taking action to relieve suffering. Compassion is synonymous with kindness. While empathy is feeling with the other, compassion is feeling for the other.

  • Mindfulness: The ability to be present at the moment with ourselves and our immediate environment. Mindfulness means observing and feeling what’s really going on in the moment. It can be defined as a type of awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.

  • Critical inquiry: The ability to think critically using an inquiry-based approach that equips children to pose questions, understand the ecosystem and the roles and responsibilities of the various actors involved, and gain a deeper understanding of the problem.

Synergistic learning of SEL refers to the process of embedding SEL practices as we teach traditional academic subjects for example, science, math, history, art, etc. such that the student gains both social and emotional competencies as well skills specific to the academic curriculum taught.

The online self-paced course for SEL+X should be designed for teachers in either primary, middle, or high school such that teachers are able to learn distinct pedagogical practices and processes that teachers can implement in their classrooms and other learning settings as they teach traditional academic subjects. The course highlights specific and explicit practices, structures, activities, and behaviors that the teacher can implement in their classrooms without an SEL based curriculum.

Theme 2

Education for Sustainable Development

Education for sustainable development (ESD) is response to the urgent and dramatic challenges the planet faces. The collective activities of human beings have altered the earth’s ecosystems so that our very survival seems in danger because of changes more difficult to reverse every day. ESD is a lifelong learning process and an integral part of quality education. ESD gives learners of all ages the knowledge, skills, values and agency to address interconnected global challenges including climate change, loss of biodiversity, unsustainable use of resources, and inequality.

The online course designed for participants 13 to 18 years of age is expected to should enhance the cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural dimensions of learning. It should empower participants to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change society and care for the planet. The online interactive course should employ engaging, immersive, interactive digital pedagogies. It should be ready to use as a stand-alone course or as an additional resource for teachers and learners to learn about sustainable development and take behavioural actions for change.

Theme 3

Developing Research Mindset

The inherent desire to know the unknown, curiosity, sense of wonder, coupled with the drive to overcome adversities and failures, and the quest for evidence are the traits of a “Research Mindset”. This unique mindset continues to propel humanity towards even further achievements, thus making it an essential approach for people from all walks of life.

Research Mindset is a combination of growth mindset, ethical mindset, and inquisitive mindset. Few components of a research mindset are listed below:

  • Inquisitive Mindset: Scientific temper, Curiosity, Contemplation, Sense of Wonder, Focused mind, Forest Thinking, Critical Thinking

  • Growth Mindset: Effort, Perseverance, Resilience, Constructive Criticism

  • Ethical Mindset: Empathy, Compassion, Non-prejudiced, Non-judgemental, Scientific Ethics

This course should be designed for the target audience/learners 11-25 years of age. The purpose of this course should be to develop, encourage and nourish Research Mindset among the participants, irrespective of their fields and educational backgrounds. The learning objectives should target a few or all components of Research Mindset through examples, activities, practices and relevant, informative media. It must address how these competencies can be developed in the learners through exercises on a digital platform. Good use of activity and evidence-based pedagogies will be appreciated.

Make-a-thon Team

Shitanshu Mishra
Information Technology Officer (ITO)

Ananya S Rao

Poonam Borah
Associate National Project Officer

Anurag Deep
Digital Pedagogy Designer

Vignesh Mukund
Learning Experience Designer