IICBA and the KIX Africa 19 Hub

The KIX Africa 19 hub is excited to share its 4th newsletter to summarize our collective achievements and milestones from January to June 2022.

 In this newsletter you can learn more about some of our activities in 2022 including:

  • Ethiopia and Malawi KIX national dialogues
  • Focal point engagements through virtual meetings and pulse check surveys
  • Completed and upcoming learning series events on 1) Employing research for policy 2) Country mechanisms to report violence in school 3) Scaling impact in education, and 4) A community of practice on competency based education  
  • The Hub's participation at the 2022 Comparative and International Education Society's conference
  • UNICEF ESARO policy briefs on country mechanism to report violence in schools & preventing school related gender-based violence.

Please find the newsletter here. We share our gratitude for your continued involvement to strengthen knowledge and innovation exchange with us and look forward to our continued partnership in 2022 and beyond.


From April to May 2022, the KIX Africa 19 Hub surveyed forty-one of its stakeholders to identify and understand country partner experiences and perspectives about their engagement with the Hub. This pulse check infographic summarizes and highlights some of the key findings from participant responses

The KIX Africa 19 Hub Consortium and Partners

UNESCO, through its International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA), UNICEF through the Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESARO) and the African Union Commission (AUC) have formed a consortium to lead the KIX Africa 19 Hub.

The KIX Africa 19 Hub serves as a key knowledge exchange and brokering mechanism for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX).

Together the consortium has established partnerships with important regional education stakeholders, including education focal points from EAC, SADC, ECOWAS, ADEA, FAWE, AfECN, VVOB, Africa Capacity Building Fund, AU-IPED, Education International, SACMEQ and UIS.

At the country level, the Hub engages with GPE focal points, KIX focal points and Local Education Groups (guided by the Ministries of Education and their technical experts).

The Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) is a joint endeavor between the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the International Development Research Centre, Canada.