On 22 September 2022, UNESCO IITE participated in the event dedicated to the launch of the International Institute of Online Education’s pilot project in Mongolia. The project titled ‘Blended Learning Capacity Building for STEM Teachers’ was co-created by UNESCO-ICHEI and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST). Among the invitees were UNESCO IITE, the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia, the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, MUST, and other Mongolian universities, as well as international experts and scholars in the field of blended learning and teacher professional development.
In the opening remarks, it was highlighted that the launch of the pilot project is a prime example of Mongolia’s commitment to accelerate the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education, and that the pilot project would provide important input to supporting the implementation of blended learning in Mongolian universities. The project was peer-reviewed by international experts from China, USA, and Pakistan. Among the invitees were UNESCO, the Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia, the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, MUST, and other Mongolian universities, as well as international experts and scholars in the field of blended learning and teacher professional development.

On behalf of UNESCO IITE, Ms. Tatiana Shutova, Programme Specialist, Unit of Teacher Professional Development and Networking, UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, chaired the “From Plans to Actions” session. The session involved the overview of the project and its action plan provided by Prof. Ganbat Danaa, Director of Open Education Center at MUST & Coordinator of IIOE National Centre in Mongolia, as well as a discussion with representatives of master teachers from MUST and other Mongolian universities about their thoughts and ideas about the project, led by Dr. Tserenchimed Purevsuren, Senior Specialist at the Open Education Centre at MUST.

At the end of the event, the project agreement was officially signed online by Professor Namnan Tumurpurev, President of MUST, and Prof. LI Ming, Director of UNESCO-ICHEI.