Terms of Reference
UNESCO IITE and NetDragon have joined efforts and expertise to create the E-Library platform – a hub with open educational resources and training opportunities for educators worldwide. Within the joint project on “Teacher capacity building with AI and digital technologies: E-library for teachers” UNESCO IITE and NetDragon intend to create a course which will spotlight a gender-neutral approach to the use of ICT in educational environments. The aim of the course is to promote a gender-neutral use of technology and encourage students and teachers to make better-informed choices about the use of ICTs as part of educational process. This course will allow teachers to be better aware of the global issue and to make sure that the issue is not present and / or is not perpetuated in the classroom. This course is to be used by educators globally with a focus on the needs of specific regions (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and CIS region) to equip them with the necessary tools to provide inclusive and quality education.
In order to meet the needs of educators in target regions, this online course should cover but not be limited to the following aspects:
- Key concepts and existing issues around the impact of ICTs on educational outcomes;
- Understanding of policies, legal and institutional frameworks regarding the use of ICT in the classroom with respect to gender equality;
- Creating gender responsive educational environment in the classroom: online and offline modes
- Suggesting measures and activities, providing examples of successful projects that improve and promote the educational prospects of girls and women and, in turn, the quality of their lives, through the use of ICTs in educational environments.
The Contractor shall carry out the following tasks:
- Design and develop a self-paced teacher-training course in English with an overall duration of 36 hours on gender equality in the use of ICT in educational environment. The stipulated training course shall include at least three modules, tutorials, learning support materials, and appropriate formative and summative assessment. More specifically, the course should contain at least 2 practice-oriented examples for each module of the course, as well as practice-oriented and performance-driven assessments.
- Submit the outline of the course with clear structure and description of its modules to UNESCO IITE by October 21, 2022.
- Upon the approval of the course’s structure, develop learning support materials, such as multimedia learning resources (videos, presentations with audio feedback). Each module must contain at least two videos and one interactive task (game, quiz and suchlike). Submit the learning materials to UNESCO IITE by November 15, 2022.
- Design interim tests to be carried out after each course module and contain tasks, which allow for the identification of the content comprehension level among the course trainees, and the final test, which must identify the overall comprehension level. Develop a training course certification, which allows each course trainee to receive a certificate of attendance or completion. Submit all assessment materials and certificates to UNESCO IITE for consideration and further approval by November 21, 2022.
- Upload the course onto the platform E-Library for teachers by November 30, 2022.
All deliverables (materials and resources) must be presented in formats, compatible with the most popular and widely utilized learning platforms to assure the upload and display of the course content.
- Prepare and submit for approval by UNESCO IITE the draft schedule and short description of at least two webinars on the course’s theme by November 18, 2022. On the dates agreed with UNESCO IITE, arrange, invite at least 200 teachers from different countries (among the target ones), and hold both webinars no later than December 15, 2022: one introductory session with a presentation of course materials and another focused meeting dedicated to course-related Q&A. To add to this, conduct analysis of independent work performed by trainees between the two webinars. Submit to UNESCO IITE a list of invited teachers, presentation files, and recordings of both sessions by December 26, 2022.
- Prepare a summary report on the conducted activities (at least 3 pages). Submit the signed report to UNESCO IITE by December 30, 2022.
4. Submit to UNESCO the final set of materials no later than December 30, 2022, including:
- the outline of the course with modules’ description;
- learning support materials;
- assessment materials (interim and final tests) and certificates;
- link to the uploaded course on the E-Library;
- description of two webinars, a list of invited teachers, presentation files and recordings of the webinars;
- summary report
Submission requirements for deliverables
The language of all deliverables is English
The format of images: JPEG, PNG, SVG. Image resolution should be not less than 4000×3000 pixels. The format of videos: MPEG-4/H.264. Video recording should be carried out with a maximum level of quality, in full HD 1080p (minimum) or UHD 4K (desired).
The entire course and webinar content, including its outline, video recordings, presentation slides, audio feedback, related resources, speaker notes, caption files, assessment materials, etc. shall be openly disseminated under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Note to Article 11 of the “General Terms and Conditions for Services”: The course-related Intellectual Property (IP) assets developed under the contract shall be fully owned by UNESCO. That will not impact or infringe any copyright related to pre-existing intellectual property owned by either UNESCO, the Contractor, or by the third party.
Submission of the proposals
Interested organizations are invited to submit their proposals in English to UNESCO IITE by email t.shutova@unesco.org no later than October 9, 2022. The proposal should include:
- a letter of participation confirming the readiness to perform the required work within the specified time frame following the terms of reference;
- budget estimates in US dollars;
NB! The letter of participation and budget estimates must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization and certified by the signature of the authorized person and the seal of the organization;
- description of the contemplated activities for the implementation of the requested work;
- contact information, such as the contact person’s name, email address, and mobile phone number.
Please note that upon selection only successful candidates will be contacted.