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☰ Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET

Focus Themes: New Qualifications and Competencies | Greening | Digitalization | Entrepreneurship | Migration
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New Qualifications and Competencies in Tvet

Exploring future-oriented qualifications and competencies for a relevant and attractive TVET

The 3 I's

What are the Three I's?

The BILT project provides a platform to explore the process of identifying new qualifications and competencies in an efficient manner, integrating them into appealing curricula and training regulations, and implementing them through innovative pedagogical approaches. This is called the Three I's process.


The timely identification of NQC requires close involvement of multiple stakeholders, including social partners and the private sector to gain an understanding of the emerging skills needs. It also involves assessing labour market trends and other pertinent data to understand what NQC are relevant to learners and employers.


In the integration process, NQC must become part of national qualification frameworks in a flexible way that allows for intermediary exits to the labour market, converges with general education and recognizes learners' prior competencies.


At the implementation level, teachers and trainers need to be up to date about work trends and new teaching and learning methods. They must receive professional development opportunities to ensure they are at the cutting edge.

How is the BILT project supporting the Three I's?

The publication 'New qualifications and competencies for future-oriented TVET systems' (UNESCO-UNEVOC, 2021) examines the Three I's process from the perspectives of diverse TVET-related institutions. It proposes solutions to their specific challenges, while offering a database of experiences and lessons from across the world.

Volume one, TVET governance

Volume one, TVET governance: steering collective action, addresses ministries and statutory bodies with legally assigned duties in the governance of TVET.

Volume two, TVET advocacy

Volume two, TVET advocacy: ensuring multi-stakeholder participation, emphasizes the role of stakeholders operating in specific economic sectors, such as business membership organizations, trade unions, chambers of commerce, industry or crafts.

Volume three, TVET delivery

Volume three, TVET delivery: providing innovative solutions, focuses on the role and contributions of TVET providers, including schools and companies.


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UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 53113 Bonn, Germany
unevoc.bilt @ unesco.org
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