Home: The i-hubs initiative | Project timeline | What is the i-hub? | Who are the i-hubs?
Recent developments: General Project News | News from the i-Hubs
Guided Self-Assessment: About | Calendar | Indicative Programme
Innovation Toolbox: The Balanced Scorecard | Skills and Innovation Ecosystem Map
Knowledge resources: Publications | Other useful resources
Networking for innovation: Discussion forum | Project documents | Network visualization map
Omnia offers a wide range of services with a focus to support lifelong learning: vocational upper secondary education, professional career-related and apprenticeship training, general upper secondary education, corporate training workshops and liberal adult education courses. One of the strategic priorities is to use education as a mean to fight against social exclusion and to prevent discrimination.
The i-hubs institutional profiles provide an overview on participating UNEVOC Centres' strategic vision, TVET Programmes, Management Structure, and further information.
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