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Innovation Framework

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Innovation Toolbox: The Balanced Scorecard | Skills and Innovation Ecosystem Map


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Shenzhen Polytechnic

Shenzhen Polytechnic (SZPT) is a higher TVET institution invested by the Shenzhen municipal government for full-time TVET education. It focuses mainly on cultivation of applied professional talents with high standards and qualifications for the front line of production, construction, management and services.

SZPT is now a National Exemplar Polytechnic titled by the Ministry of Education, and has been recognized nationwide as one of the pioneering polytechnics in China.

SZPT also promotes exchange and cooperation at the international level. Seven foreign languages, including English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish, are taught on our campus. It has established long-term and stable cooperative relationships with nearly 106 universities and educational organizations outside of mainland China. These include universities and academic institutes in Britain, Germany, France, Australia, the United States, Japan, South Korea and others.

i-hubs Institutional Profile SZPT

The i-hubs institutional profiles provide an overview on participating UNEVOC Centres' strategic vision, TVET Programmes, Management Structure, and further information.

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SZPT as an i-hub

SZPT's strategic vision is to pioneer in creating a world top TVET institution with Chinese characteristics and share Shenzhen Solutions with international TVET community by being a pioneer of innovative development of TVET, a cradle of technical and skilled talents, a cradle of entrepreneurs, a R&D; center for small and medium enterprises in Shenzhen, a citizen lifelong learning school and a TVET teacher training base.


20 August 2019
Seychelles Nation: SIT confirmed as a Skills for Innovation Hubs (i-hubs) Project Partner
During Guided Self-Assessment high level meeting, at the Seychelles Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, UNESCO-UNEVOC team awarded the acknowledgement certificate to the SIT director Hubert Barbe, recognizing SIT as one of the ten partners for the I-hubs project.
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Guided Self-Assessment at SZPT (2 - 6 September 2019)

The UNESCO-UNEVOC Skills for Innovation Hubs is part of the initiative 'Developing TVET institutions for entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability' implemented by UNESCO since 2017, and is supported by the Beijing Caofeidian International Vocational Education City (BCEC), with contributions from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Stay in touch

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53173 Bonn, Germany

  unevoc.i-hubs @ unesco.org

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