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Innovation Framework

Guided Self-Assessment: About | Calendar | Indicative Programme
Innovation Toolbox: The Balanced Scorecard | Skills and Innovation Ecosystem Map


Knowledge resources: Publications | Other useful resources

Members' Corner

Networking for innovation: Discussion forum | Project documents | Network visualization map

Seychelles Institute of Technology

The Seychelles Institute of Technology (SIT) is a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution established as a Professional Centre from January 2015 under the Tertiary Education Act (TEA) 2011. SIT operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Education.

Founded in 2006, SIT offers training in the following modes: full time campus-based, worked based and apprenticeships. The types of training are geared towards learning for work as well as learning for further and higher level of studies.

SIT is that Professional Centre which leads learners to acquire practical skills, expertise and understanding necessary for employment in a particular occupation, trade or group of occupations. It works in partnership with its key stakeholders such as businesses and other trade organizations.

As its motto “Steps Towards Success” stipulates, learners at SIT are provided with the opportunity to progress in their training programme of choice with the possibility of moving from one level to another.

i-hubs Institutional Profile SIT

The i-hubs institutional profiles provide an overview on participating UNEVOC Centres' strategic vision, TVET Programmes, Management Structure, and further information.

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SIT as an i-hub

The SIT Mission is to work in partnership with industry, using quality and responsive programmes which incorporate innovation and research to enrich learners’ competences for employment, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in a globalized environment.


20 August 2019
Seychelles Nation: SIT confirmed as a Skills for Innovation Hubs (i-hubs) Project Partner
During Guided Self-Assessment high level meeting, at the Seychelles Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, UNESCO-UNEVOC team awarded the acknowledgement certificate to the SIT director Hubert Barbe, recognizing SIT as one of the ten partners for the I-hubs project.
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Guided Self-Assessment at SIT (19 - 23 August 2019)

The UNESCO-UNEVOC Skills for Innovation Hubs is part of the initiative 'Developing TVET institutions for entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability' implemented by UNESCO since 2017, and is supported by the Beijing Caofeidian International Vocational Education City (BCEC), with contributions from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Stay in touch

UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53173 Bonn, Germany

  unevoc.i-hubs @ unesco.org

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