The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) and the Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE)
join forces for a Global Webinar
Tuesday, 12 May 2020: 2-3.30pm (Paris time)
"COVID-19: Reflections by the ASP community"
At no time in history has education been disrupted at such a large and global scale. More than 90% of world's students have been or are still under lock down, trying to continue teaching and learning remotely, oftentimes with the help of parents. Within the ASPnet, currently 95% of schools are closed.
As some countries are preparing for or moving from confinement to de-confinement and back to the new "normal", many of us question: How effective has the experience of remote learning been? What opportunities and challenges does it bear? How has it shaped and possibly changed the learning community and relationships between students – teachers – parents? And how do we reimagine the organization of our schools and learning environments following this crisis?
While it is early to draw lessons from the situation, the UNESCO ASPnet International Coordination team would like to invite all its members – National Coordinators, teachers, students and their parents – to come together as a global community, to share and explore observations, feelings and initial lessons learned on
The experience of remote learning, and
Reimagining the future of education based on this experience.
The main language used during the webinar will be English (since no reliable means for simultaneous translation is available). Questions and comments via chat can be shared in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Technical guidance will be shared with registered participants ahead of the webinar.
You can register HERE
A few education experts and policy makers will also join the discussion to listen and possibly provide perspectives and comments to further enrich the discussions.
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