The event was broadcast live on 18 July from 09:00 to 13:00 am (Central European Time). Click above to view a recording of the event, or click on the links below to access directly the related element of the event.
Announcement of winners of photo competition
by Miki Nozawa, UNESCO-UNEVOC
Introduction to discussion and panelists
Concluding remarks
Oliver Haas (GIZ, Germany) and Dr Birgit Thomann (BIBB, Germany)
Join the worldwide celebrations and raise awareness about the importance of youth skills development.
Learn more about how to get involved!
Despite the benefits of TVET on personal, professional and national development, a recurring issue has been its relative unattractiveness of vis‐à‐vis the academic education for students. Education systems in many developing countries, in particular, have TVET often placed as a second choice or "second rate" education.
Why does this paradox persist? How do we bridge the gap between advocacy and action?
To develop a better understanding of these aspects and other related challenges confronted by TVET, UNESCO‐UNEVOC in collaboration with CEDEFOP aims to present a platform for TVET stakeholders to articulate and exchange their views. Under this collaboration, UNESCO‐UNEVOC and the CEDEFOP will organize the first of its annual discussion events titled ‘Researchers meet Practitioners’ with this year’s theme focusing on ‘Enhancing the attractiveness of TVET’.
Join us on 18 July, as we invite a diverse group of stakeholders from around the world to discuss the critical issues surrounding the attractiveness of TVET. You can watch the event live using the link at the top and participate in the discussion by tweeting your questions with hashtag #wysdbonn or sending them to us directly here z.shahid(at)
World Youth Skills Day poster
Download and print the poster to raise awareness about World Youth Skills Day in your area!
Downloadable materials for UNEVOC Network Members
Click here to access the files from the Network Page, only accessible for UNEVOC Network members .
Let others know how your institution is celebrating World Youth Skills Day by email: Be proud and tell the world about your skills and tag us on Facebook and in Twitter using the hashtag #wysd.
World Youth Skills Day has become an official (UN Day) starting from 2015 and raises awareness about the importance of youth skills development. The need to campaign and promote World Youth Skills Day is more important than ever before. Despite the youth employment rate increasing compared to the previous year, the number of young people without a job remains over 10 per cent in many countries (OECD, 2016). Perhaps more alarming, the number of young people out-of-school and not in education, employment and training (NEETs) is increasing. At the same time, young people are also faced with the question how they will address their country’s current and future challenges. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for a shift towards more sustainable and equitable economies and societies, which will no doubt result in changes in the world of work and education.
The World Youth Skills Day video is available with subtitles in
The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre specializes in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). It assists UNESCO's member states to strengthen and upgrade their TVET systems with programmes and policies that are relevant, lifelong and accessible to all. Our aim is to promote learning for the world of work. We focus on three priority areas youth employment and entrepreneurship, equity and gender equality, and the transition to green economies and sustainable societies.