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Sanandaj celebrates its anniversary with culture and creativity

Sanandaj celebrates its anniversary with culture and creativity

Mon, 04/26/2021

On 26 April, Sanandaj (Iran), a UNESCO Creative City of Music, celebrated “Sanandaj Day”. On this day, the city with a rich cultural agenda related to music and other creative fields, highlighted its rich cultural tradition and offered citizens stimulating activities focused on the city's creative and cultural potential.

Despite the difficulties due to the pandemic, large number of citizens participated online in several activities, such as folk and classic music concerts through live Instagram sessions, online exchanges with experts, and book presentations ceremonies in Mashahir Park. Led by the Mayor, members of the City Council and other actors from the public and private sectors, the event was widely welcomed by the city inhabitants.

As a part of the celebration, the city also invited a wide range of professionals and academic scholars to share their expertise on diverse themes related to Sanandaj, including architecture and urban planning, sciences, religion and mysticism, literature, music and constitutionalism. While celebrating Sanandaj’s cultural traditions, these activities also aimed to provide opportunities for citizens to interact with high-level experts and to further explore some crucial topics related to sustainable development of the city.

For more information about “Sanandaj Day” celebrations, please click on the links below.

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