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2020 Open Call for Applications ‘A City as Writer's Workplace’

2020 Open Call for Applications ‘A City as Writer's Workplace’

Sun, 04/26/2020

The city of Ulyanovsk, a UNESCO Creative City of Literature in Russia has launched a Call for Application for the project titled ‘A City as a Writer's Workplace’.  This project is timely as many of the cities are currently on lockdown due to the global outbreak of COVID-19.

The Call is open to writers, poets, playwrights and other authors as well as translators, and literary artists from the UNESCO Cities of Literature who are invited to share about their favorite places in their cities, where their imaginative world is inked down on a piece of paper or a smartphone. The project aims to explore the diverse writing places authors prefer or are accustomed to, and understand how their working conditions and relationship with the city are changing.

The project will result in an online exhibition with photos of the workplaces of authors from the UNESCO literary cities. The online exhibition will be available on the "Ulyanovsk UNESCO City of Literature" website.

In line with the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, the aims of the project are to help authors to discover each other’s work and to draw the attention of readers to local authors. 

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