“Young at Home Films” initiative launched by Terrassa, Creative City of Film

Terrassa, a UNESCO Creative City of Film, is one of the pioneer cities for film industry in Spain. Focusing on developing an educational ecosystem for consolidating its film industry, the city has developed several provisions for audiovisual training and activities. With the opening of the Centre for Conservation and Restoration of the Catalonian Film Archive, the city has become a significant hub for audiovisual creation in Spain.
Facing the spread of coronavirus, the city of Terrassa has mobilized its film potential and used its strengthened international cooperation to reaffirm its strategic commitment to training and supporting young artists. In this regard, the city has launched a collaborative creative project titled ‘Young at Home Films’, which aims to provide ‘voice to talent, creativity and ingenuity in the fight against Covid-19’.
The initiative aims to highlight how creativity and cinema can be used to combat the pandemic. Young creators from the Creative Cities of Film and elsewhere are invited to create and share a seven-minute video on various topics such as precautionary measures, physical distancing, palliative care etc., to be undertaken amidst the ongoing pandemic. The videos aim to highlight the experiences of youth facing monotony and challenges of self-isolation.
In order to better assist and guide the young participants of this contest, the city of Terrassa is also providing useful tools such as online teaching materials and free video editing software. One of the resources available on the initiatives’ website is the Basic Manual ‘Fent Cinema’ on filmmaking created by the Catalonia Audiovisual Park (Parc Audiovisual de Catalunya), a major production centre, and an incubator for the creative industries in Terrassa.
Videos are being posted on Instagram and Twitter by tagging the city of Terrassa (@trs_cityoffilm) and using the following hashtags #TRSFilmACasa, #UNESCOYoungAtHomeFilms, and #WashHandsCameraAction.
Participants are free to choose the language, format and genre of the video. Upon the completion of the project, four of the best video will be recognized and awarded.
For further information kindly, visit the link: