Explorer les données, les faits et les chiffres

L'UNESCO fournit à la communauté mondiale des données, des statistiques et des recherches fiables dans les domaines de la communication et de l'information. Cette page est régulièrement mise à jour avec des ressources provenant des rapports et des outils de suivi de l'UNESCO.


Liberté d'expression et sécurité des journalistes

Every 4 days
a journalist is killed.
ongoing or unresolved cases of killed journalists.
African Union Member states

covered by a continental mechanism to monitor attacks against journalists

law enforcement agents and security forces

trained on freedom of expression and safety of journalists related issues.

Memorandum of Understanding signed

with regional human rights courts, international judicial and police associations.

Over 80
news outlets in 14 languages

Coverage on data presented in "The Chilling"

Over 3000
women journalists and allies trained since 2021
views of the #JournalistsToo campaign video

in April-May 2021

6,200 times
#JournalistsToo cited on social media

1.6 M people reached, 43.000 engagements with 170 M impressions.

Accès universel à l'information


are documented with approximately 7,000 still in use

Around 1,500
languages risk losing their users in the near future
languages in countries

have been updated in the World Atlas of Languages

123 pays
ont participé en 2022

à l’Enquête de l’UNESCO sur l’ODD 16.10.2

24 pays
ont rendu compte de leurs bonnes pratiques

de promotion de l’égalité des genres dans l’accès à l’information

États membres de l’ONU ont adopté

des garanties constitutionnelles, statutaires et/ou politiques d’accès public à l’information

30 pays
sont dotés de politiques de normes ouvertes

Autonomisation des médias et du numérique

24 countries
took steps to develop national policy and strategy

on media and information literacy.

Over 500
youth organizations

equipped to counter disinformation with Media and Information Literacy.

youth organizations around the globe

trained to integrate media and information literacy in their policies and operations.

Médias indépendants et pluralistes

community media outlets

more sustainable thanks to policy reforms, and technical and editorial support.

media professionals from community radios

trained with technical and editorial skills (2018-2021)

Innovation et transformation numériques

Of judicial operators surveyed

need legal training concerning AI systems (Judges’ Initiative)

Of Member States requested policy advice for AI policy

(Africa AI needs)

Over 4,300
judicial operators

trained to harness Artificial Intelligence to improve justice systems.

Over 300
girls and women from MENA region

trained on to defend Human Rights in the age of AI.

Indicateurs sur l’universalité de l’Internet

ROAM-X indicators

including 109 identified as “core” indicators

completed assessments of IUIs:

Benin, Brazil, Germany, Kenya, Senegal and Thailand.

countries where the assessment is progressing

Patrimoine documentaire

Memory of the World inscriptions

on the International Register since 1995

National MoW Committees established by Member States

Enabling better preservation of and access to documentary heritage

≈ 1,500
policymakers and documentary heritage experts

empowered to advocate for sustainable preservation and accessibility of documentary heritage

AlUla and Arab documentary heritage in numbers

Programme international pour le développement de la communication

115 million USD
channeled to development worldwide
projects approved and supported
In over 140
countries of implementation

Formation en journalisme

Programme Information pour tous

Around 20
virtual events and online conferences organized worldwide
regional projects linked to COVID-19 organized

Programme multi-donateurs sur la liberté d'expression et la sécurité des journalistes

community media outlets

more sustainable thanks to policy reforms, and technical and editorial support.

Over 500
youth organizations

equipped to counter disinformation with Media and Information Literacy.

African Union Member states

covered by a continental mechanism to monitor attacks against journalists

Fonds mondial pour la défense des médias

Over 80
projects supported around the globe

for a total envelope of approx. USD $2.7 million.

1.4 million
Estimated US $ amount available in financial grants

under the 2022 Call for Partnerships.

Over 3,000
journalists, 600 lawyers and 100 NGOs

directly benefited through the actions supported by the GMDF.