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Trinidad celebrated its third anniversary as a UNESCO Creative City

Trinidad celebrated its third anniversary as a UNESCO Creative City

Fri, 10/28/2022 to Mon, 10/31/2022

Trinidad, a Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art, organized a four-day celebration on the occasion of its third anniversary as a UNESCO Creative City. From 28 to 31 October, the city hosted conferences, fairs and events featuring crafts, gastronomy, music and design. The celebration aimed to enhance the vibrancy of the cultural and creative industries in Trinidad, but also to stimulate a reflection on the creative sector in the post-pandemic context.

As a result, the workshop “Trinidad, Ciudad Creativa", invited experts, local authorities and city managers to reflect on the role of culture-driven projects in local development. Among the various events, the “Creative Expo Fair" was organized to showcase local crafts products and highlight opportunities in Trinidad’s creative industries.

The celebration also relied on the participation of citizens, associations, public and private actors. Moreover, two UNESCO Creative Cities of Music, Havana and Santiago de Cuba, also attended the event.

Through the anniversary celebration, Trinidad demonstrated its efforts to embrace creativity as an essential component of urban development, particularly through partnerships involving the public and private sectors and civil society.

For more information, please visit: http://www.escambray.cu/2022/trinidad-y-sus-aires-creativos/

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