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The International Conference 2011 on “Sustainable Development Based on Creativity” is to be hosted by the City of Seoul on 16-17 November 2011. As the main highlight of this Conference the Creative Cities Network Mayors Roundtable meeting will take place. Since the Network’s creation in 2004, it is the first time leaders and decision makers of the member cities come together to reflect and take actions on the importance of creative solutions for sustainable urban environment. Gathering UNESCO officials, creative city Mayors,...
The first joint project involving the seven UNESCO Cities of Design – Berlin, Buenos Aires, Kobe, Montreal, Nagoya, Shanghai and Shenzhen, the CODE Poster Competition 2010 invited designers to define the visual identity of a UNESCO City of Design, expressing each city’s most distinctive aspects. The competition aroused great interest among creators, and a total of 807 posters were received from the seven participating cities.   The finalist and winning posters in the Montreal portion of the CODE international poster...
From 2nd to 5th September 2010, representatives of the UNESCO Creatives Cities of Gastronomy Chengdu and Popayan, met at the latter’s VIII National Gastronomic Congress of Popayan (Colombia). This gathering resulted in the Popayan Gastronomic Declaration: Towards a World Union of Gastronomic Cities.    
From October 25th to October 28th 2010, UNESCO creative cities of design met in Buenos Aires (Argentina) to define the sub-network’s future steps. The outcomes of the summit can be found in the Conclusions below.
  On 17th and 18th September 2010, representatives of the UNESCO creative cities of music of Ghent, Glasgow, Bologna and Seville met in Ghent (Belgium) to explore new forms of collaboration. Open to the inclusion of new members, the cities established four major fields of cooperation, outlined in the Declaration of Ghent.  
The International Conference 2010 on “New technology, new media and creative city synergy” was hosted by the City of Shenzhen on 7-9 December 2010. Attended by UNESCO officials, creative city members, new media experts, economists and creative industry people, the conference programme was highlighted by keynote speeches, panel discussions with the UNESCO creative cities, workshops and public discussions. The Conference tackled the emerging issues that are faced by cities nowadays in the wake of new technologies and media and aimed...
The International Conference 2008 on Creative Tourism was hosted by the City of Santa Fe on 28 September–2 October 2008. The conference gathered Network representatives, creative entrepreneurs, tourism professionals, and artists providing a forum for identifying economic opportunities and developing creative tourism programmes. As a major output of this Conference, a publication “Creative Tourism, A Global Conversation” (Edited by Rebecca Wurzburger & co., August 2009) was produced.  The programme and other related...