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Sleipnir’s Literary Travels from Reykjavík to Melbourne

Sleipnir’s Literary Travels from Reykjavík to Melbourne

Tue, 07/18/2017 to Sun, 08/13/2017

Between the month of July and August, the Creative Cities of Literature Melbourne and Reykjavík are sharing the children's readings and short fictional stories on Sleipnir’s journey, an imaginary horse from Norse mythology. Through Sleipnir Travels Website, children are invited to create digital postcards about Sleipnir’s adventures in the cities it visits. These postcards will be publishable (and email-able) directly from a website.

Since 2012, Reykjavík has associated the figure of Sleipnir with initiatives aimed to get more children and young adults to read. The eight-legged horse of Odin in Norse mythology, can travel freely from one world to another, and is thus symbolic for the mind-travel that we experience through reading. It is safe to say that Sleipnir is no ordinary horse, as he stands for the power of imagination and poetry.

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