CRES 2018 Collection

The ten volumes of the CRES 2018 Collection were conceived with the purpose of regionally disseminating knowledge of the thematic axes established in the framework of the III Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES 2018). The veracity and academic excellence defined the production of knowledge, based on research and adjusted to the requirements of scientific research protocols. The purpose of dissemination was aimed at monitoring the formulation of policies of higher education institutions in the member states and regional trends in higher education systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Download the CRES General Report in SpanishEnglish

Download the CRES Action Plan 2018-2028

CRES COLLECTION 2018 – Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. CÓRDOBA, 2018. Executive summaries

Analyzing the way in which higher education has developed, the way in which quality is defined and the challenges from the perspective of quality assurance (QA) processes has been the central theme addressed by the team in charge of the thematic axis on Higher education as part of the education system in Latin America and the Caribbean. To this end, a brief analysis is made of the challenges posed to higher education from the perspective of social changes; then the current reality of quality assurance processes in the region is summarized and a way of defining quality is proposed, which [&hell…

CRES COLLECTION 2018 – Higher Education as part of the education System in Latin America and the Caribbean. Quality and quality assurance

Although the main objective of the publication is to promote reflection on quality, the emphasis of the text is on the analysis of the quality assurance policies and mechanisms operating in the countries.Although the publication’s main objective is to promote reflection on quality, the emphasis of the text is on the analysis of the quality assurance policies and mechanisms in operation in the countries. This decision responds to the conviction that, in a context of broad diversity, it is essential to haveThis decision responds to the conviction that, in a context of wide diversity, it is…

Monitoring the CRES 2018-2028 Action Plan in IESALC’s Working Program

“The Latin American and Caribbean region lacks a critical mass of human capital for research, with a rate of 1.35 researchers for every one thousand members of the economically active population”, stated the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO-IESALC).  These figures, extracted from the study on academic mobility in the region carried out by the Institute, show that the number of academics who hold a doctorate is low: Honduras (0,1%), El Salvador (2,3%), Costa Rica (3,4%), Dominican Republic (3,5%), Ecuador (5,6%), Cuba (6,5), Col…

CRES COLLECTION 2018 – One hundred years after the university reform of Cordoba. Towards a new manifesto for Latin American higher education.

The approach taken in the chapters of the book is based on the in-depth knowledge of each of the authors of the specific topics addressed in them, as well as on their intense personal experience of the debates that took place in the region (Regional Conferences of 1996 and 2008) and in the world (World Conferences of 1998 and 2009). Download the book A cien años de la Reforma Universitaria de Córdoba. Hacia un nuevo manifiesto de la educación superior latinoamericana, coordinated by Rafael Guarga.…

Plan of Action CRES 2018

Between June 11th and 15th, 2018, the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), the National University of Córdoba (UNC), the National Interuniversity Council (CIN) and the Secretariat for University Policies (SPU) of the Ministry of Education of Argentina convened the III Regional Conference on Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (CRES 2018). The Regional Conferences are both instruments and spaces available to higher education actors to discuss, reflect, exchange and analyze the trends that delineate the development of h…

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