Press release

‘Reviving Mosul and Basra Old Cities’: UNESCO showcases emblematic reconstruction with a photo exhibition and concert in Brussels

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of UNESCO’s flagship initiative ‘Revive the Spirit of Mosul’ and showcase the impact of the project ‘Reviving Mosul and Basra Old Cities’ funded by the European Union, UNESCO organizes a photo exhibition in Brussels Park from 23 January to 17 February 2023, and a special event at BOZAR Centre of Fine Arts on 8 February 2023.
‘Reviving Mosul and Basra Old Cities’: UNESCO showcases emblematic reconstruction with a photo exhibition and concert in Brussels
By providing training and job opportunities in the reconstruction of urban heritage, this project not only revitalizes a city. It brings together communities, promotes reconciliation and provides residents with a sense of hope for the future.
Ernesto Ottone R. UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture

To mark the closing of the exhibition, a special event ‘Empowering Citizens through Heritage Restoration, Culture and Education in Mosul and Basra’ will be organized at the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts on 8 February 2023. Participants will have the opportunity to dive, via photographs and short movies, into the historic centres of Mosul and Basra. They will witness the reconstruction of iconic historical buildings, the vocational training of young people, including the transmission of ancestral artisanship techniques, and the revival of the vibrant multicultural life of Iraq. Guests will also have the opportunity to discover traditional Iraqi music through a live performance by four talented artists from the diaspora. Led by Layth Sidiq, they will perform diverse musical pieces from both the North and South of the country.

Revive the Spirit of Mosul

The ‘Revive the Spirit of Mosul’ initiative was launched in 2018 by UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay as the Organization’s response to the recovery process of one of the most iconic cities of Iraq following years of conflict. The overall aim of the initiative is to contribute to the city’s recovery and social cohesion through citizen empowerment. The Initiative supports the revival of the educational and cultural sectors in Mosul and provides young people with skills and jobs for the reconstruction of its historical centre’s most  emblematic landmarks. Together with the United Arab Emirates, the European Union is UNESCO’s main partner in this endeavour, joined by thirteen other donors.

For additional information on the event or the project, please reach out to the UNESCO Liaison Office in Brussels or the UNESCO office in Iraq.