

UNESCO Director-General on official visit to Iraq

In a historic visit marking UNESCO's progress to Revive the Spirit of Mosul, the Director-General Audrey Azoulay undertook a three-day mission, in Baghdad, Erbil and Mosul where iconic monuments, historic houses and churches are being restored, after years of war and occupation.

Baghdad, a beacon of Arabic culture

The first day of the visit took place on Monday 6 March, where the UNESCO Director-General visited the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad, a highly symbolic site of the Mesopotamian culture. The museum is an example of UNESCO’s work and its important role in the return of nearly 17,000 artefacts to Iraq in 2021. Thus, this museum represents the symbolic return of Baghdad’s cultural life.

UNESCO is also proud to have supported in 2021 and 2022 the return of more than 17,000 artifacts to Iraq by the United States, including the famous Gilgamesh tablet.
Audrey Azoulay
Audrey Azoulay Directora General de la UNESCO

Likewise, Director-General Audrey Azoulay took the time to go and walk the streets of Old Baghdad to admire its monuments that are testimony to Iraq’s rich history, but it was also an opportunity to get a close look into the minds of the people by talking to Baghdadis, a chance to hear their stories, struggles and hopes for the days to come.

Baghdad is so rich in culture that walking through its streets we can not only admire its monuments, but also the wealth of cultural treasures it has to offer, such as Al Mutanabbi Street, famous in the Arab world for its long drawn bibliophiles. Its vibrant life reflects how peace and prosperity are finding a place in Iraq through culture.

What an exciting first day in Iraq. It was a great pleasure for me to walk the streets of Old Baghdad, to see its monuments which testify to the rich history of Iraq and to have direct talks with the Baghdadis.
Audrey Azoulay
Audrey Azoulay Directora General de la UNESCO

Mosul: Marking the final phase of reconstruction

The visit of the Director-General to Mosul marks the final phase of reconstruction, 5 years after the launch of UNESCO’s flagship initiative Revive the Spirit of Mosul. The landmarks that UNESCO is rehabilitating and rebuilding are rising from the ground and with this hope is returning to people’s hearts, and people are returning to their home. 

In Mosul, I was honoured to lay the first stone at the reconstruction site of Al-Hadba minaret with the Minister of Culture of #Iraq and the Sunni Waqf. I thank the United Arab Emirates, main partner of UNESCO to #ReviveTheSpiritOfMosul.
Audrey Azoulay
Audrey Azoulay Directora General de la UNESCO

The Director-Genreal visited the sites where UNESCO and its partners are working side by side with the local government and population. On the ground, UNESCO is focusing its work on the rehabilitation of emblematic cultural and religious landmarks that are strongly linked to the history of Mosul and the identity of its people. Al-Nouri Mosque and its leaning Al-Hadba minaret, Al-Saa’a Convent (Conventual Church of Our Lady of the Hour) and it’s amazing bell tower, Al-Tahera Church, Al-Ekhlas School, and 124 Heritage Houses in the Old City. The reconstruction of heritage goes beyond the building of stones, it is about creating jobs, empowering the people and building hope. Audrey Azoulay paid tribute to all the workers, engineers and architects working on the reconstruction sites to rebuild this invaluable heritage. 

Mosul a crossroad city

What is exceptional about Mosul is that it is a crossroad, a city of many faiths and cultural diversity, it is a symbol of how communities can and should co-exist peacefully, and today, it is a symbol of the power of the international community when it comes together and works for peace. This is particularly visible on the reconstruction sites where men and women, Christians and Muslims are rebuilding churches and mosques together. 

Like Al-Hadba Minaret, the bell tower of Our Lady of the Hour Church is a landmark on the Mosul skyline. After visiting the foundry to see the new bells removed from their mold, it was an honour for me to be in Mosul to ring them for the first time after 20 years of silence.
Audrey Azoulay
Audrey Azoulay Directora General de la UNESCO

Breaking the silence 

At Al-Saa'a Convent, the bells now hanging in its amazing bell tower rang for the first time after years of silence, a moment forever shared between UNESCO, its partners and every Mosuli. The three new bronze bells, were cast in Normandy (France), late 2022, and their return to Mosul brings hope to every Mosuli, from all faiths. 


During her visit to Mosul, the Director-General carried a series of symbolic gestures that come as a reminder to the local population of UNESCO continuons support, including the inauguration of a mural plaque in the Old City, meeting with a Mosuli family and handing the keys to a historic house recently rehabilitated to its family, it is one of 124 Heritage Houses UNESCO is rehabilitating with the European Union. 


A tale of two towers to foster reconciliation

Today, the two towers that UNESCO is working on within its project with the United Arab Emirates are reaching critical phases of reconstruction and contributing to the healing of the community.

Two towers, representing two religions, uniting every Mosuli from all faiths, Al-Hadba minaret and the bell tower of Al-Saa’a Church. These two structures, that defy the laws of gravity and rise to the sky dominating the city’s skyline, were built by Christians and Muslims hand in hand. They have a special place in the hearts of Mosulis and a unique symbol for all Iraqis. 

In a symbolic gesture, Audrey Azoulay lay the first brick on Al-Hadba minaret

Today, hand in hand with the local population and in partnership with Iraqi authorities, UNESCO is rebuilding the minaret as it was before its destruction in 2017, it is an architectural challenge that requires innovative solutions.


Paying tribute to Mosuli workers and engineers

In Mosul, the Director-General met the workers and engineers on UNESCO sites and paid tribute to their tireless efforts to rebuild their heritage. She particularly recognized and congratulated women workers on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, 8 March. 


At the University of Mosul, the Director-General had a lively discussion with the students who benefitted from the cinema section established with the support of UNESCO, confirming once more that cultural life is at the heart of healing and young people are the future of Mosul. She also signed a new agreement with Italy to mobilizes 2M€ for digital equipment & training at the library of the University.


UNESCO Director-General speaks to CNN

As we enter this new chapter, UNESCO will be ready to hand-over to Mosulis a newly rebuild Al-Nouri Mosque and its Al-Hadba miranet, Al-Saa’a Convent with its bell tower, Al-Tahera Church, Al-Ekhlas School and 124 historic houses, in the coming year. Today, despite the support still need to rebuild the city, Mosulis, Iraqis and the world can turn to the future with hope.

Find out more about Revive the Spirit of Mosul


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