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Seville filled with pianos

Seville filled with pianos

Thu, 10/01/2015

The City Council of the UNESCO Creative City of Music of Seville (Spain) presented an initiative named “Seville filled with pianos” in partnership with private, public and civil society organizations including ICAS (Institute for Culture and Arts), the Association Concurs Maria Canals, the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville, the Teatro de la Maestranza and the Fundación Jesús Serra.

On 1 October 2015, seven pianos, settled in seven iconic sites in the city centre, were at the disposal of every citizen. Professionals and amateurs musicians, people with different ages and music skills as well as singers played music and performed in a spontaneous way in front of pedestrians and drivers. Students from the Conservatory were also involved in the initiative helping and encouraging the public to play the pianos.

This initiative, which improves access to and participation in cultural life and the practice of classical music, has also taken place in other Spanish cities such as the UNESCO Creative City of Design of Bilbao, Barcelona and Madrid  in order to promote the International Piano Competition María Canals. The winner of this well-known annual piano competition will perform with the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville at the Teatro de la Maestranza. The city of Seville is willing to cooperate with the other Creative Cities of Music to turn the competition into a transnational project.


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