Global Education Coalition

UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition

UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition was formed in March 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic caused school closures around the world and amplified existing education inequalities. Bringing together partners from a range of sectors, the Coalition set out to mitigate these disruptions by mobilizing support and coordinating local, national, regional, and global responses to ensure the continuity of learning.

Comprising of private sector members, multilateral institutions, non-governmental organizations, civil society actors, networks and agencies, and international media groups, the Coalition now has 200+ Members supporting its four large-scale missions:

Global Skills Academy

Scaling up efforts to support 10 million young people build skills for employability and resilience by 2029.

Global Teacher Campus

Expanding courses beyond digital to include 39 courses and scaling up to hit the goal of reaching 1 million people.

Global Learning House

Enabling 1 million learners to access cost-free supplemental instruction, anywhere, any time.


Supporting 5 million girls to fulfil their right to education in 20 countries with the greatest gender disparities in education.

The Coalition continues to implement projects, programmes and initiatives at the country level. In the last year, many of these have pivoted from COVID-response to supporting the resilience of education systems in different crisis situations and advancing the transformation of education.

At the Transforming Education Summit in September 2022, several Coalition partners came together to lay the foundations for the Digital Transformation Collaborative (DTC) - a sub-group of the Coalition which will work directly with countries to co-create sustainable plans for digital transformation at scale.

In 2023 and beyond, as the Coalition moves from the pandemic response to the transformation agenda, this group will facilitate bold new, scalable, and sustainable partnerships. These collaborations aim to help realize the power of digital transformation, close educational divides, and support actions and investments for pilot projects to be brought to scale at a national level and in a sustainable way.

Global Education Coalition
Global Education Coalition annual meeting 2022

More about UNESCO's Global Education Coalition