
In the Face of War, a Year of Action in Ukraine

As a result of the war in Ukraine, UNESCO has mobilised to denounce violence against journalists, promote the importance and therefore the protection of cultural institutions, and work for the maintenance of education to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities in Ukraine.

Assessments undertaken by UNESCO

journalists killed
cultural sites damaged
educational institutions damaged
Damages and victims

Press Kit

In the face of war, a year of action in Ukraine

As Friday 24 February marks one year since the beginning of the war, UNESCO summarizes its actions in the fields of culture, education, communication and information. This press kit shows the emergency measures deployed by UNESCO, as well as presents the next steps of our work in Ukraine, especially in preparation for the country's recovery.


Odesa inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in the face of threats of destruction

The World Heritage Committee, on Wednesday 25th January, decided to inscribe the Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa (Ukraine) on the World Heritage List.

This decision recognises the outstanding universal value of the site and the duty of all humanity to protect it.

World Heritage in Danger - Odesa Ukraine 2023
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UNESCO mission to Ukraine-LVIV
We must safeguard the cultural heritage in Ukraine, as a testimony of the past but also as a catalyst for peace and cohesion for the future, which the international community has a duty to protect and preserve.
UNESCO Director-General
Audrey Azoulay UNESCO Director-General, at the start of the conflict
UNESCO support to journalists in Ukraine
Ukraine Women Artist Petrykivka

UNESCO Tools & Guidelines

Reporting on migrants and refugees: handbook for journalism educators
Safety guide for journalists: a handbook for reporters in high-risk environments
Reporters sans frontières
Protection of cultural property: military manual

UN Resources

UN News
Ukraine Crisis Response
OCHA Daily Humanitarian Situation Report
UNHCR Data Portal
WHO Situation Report