Open Science Toolkit

The UNESCO Open Science Toolkit is designed to support implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. The Toolkit is a set of guides, policy briefs, factsheets and indexes. Each piece is a living resource updated to reflect new developments and the status of implementation of the Recommendation. Elements of this toolkit are developed in collaboration with UNESCO Open Science partners or through discussions with and inputs from the members of the UNESCO Working Groups on Open Science.


Understanding open science

This factsheet explains the definition of open science and its key pillars and elements as set out in the Recommendation.

Building capacity for open science

The key factors to consider in capacity building and training for open science have been identified with input from the UNESCO Working Group on Open Science Capacity Building.

Developing policies for open science

Developed through the discussions and inputs from the members of the Working Group on Open Science Policies and Policy Instruments, this guide sets out the key factors to consider when developing policies for open science.

Funding open science

Building upon assessments of existing open science funding mechanisms and the resourcing gaps facing open science today, the aim is to provide guidance for integrating the principles of open science into the process and practices of funding science.

Bolstering open science infrastructures for all

Building on the provisions of the Recommendation, the guide was developed in consultation with the UNESCO Working Group on Open Science Infrastructures to build a shared understanding and identify steps for strengthening equitable and sustainable open science infrastructures.


Tools for academia and publishing

Identifying predatory academic journals and conferences

As the concept and practice of open science continue to evolve, the research sector is becoming increasingly vulnerable to overt commercial predation. Driven by profit and self-interest, this predation risks polluting the global research enterprise, with serious implications for research quality and integrity; wasting research funding; derailing research careers; and compromising evidence-based policy decisions.

Checklist for universities on implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science

The aim is to provide practical assistance to the university community to better understand the Recommendation on Open Science, in particular by highlighting the areas that apply to university leaders who wish to support its implementation.

Checklist for open access publishers on implementing the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science

The aim is to provide practical assistance to the open access publishing community to better understand the Recommendation by highlighting the areas that apply to open access publishers who wish to support its implementation.


International standard setting instrument

UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science

UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science is the first international standard setting instrument on open science.  It provides an internationally agreed definition and a set of shared values and guiding principles for open science. It also identifies a set of actions conducive to a fair and equitable operationalization of open science for all at the individual, institutional, national, regional and international levels.

An introduction to the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science

A quick guide to understanding what open science is, what the recommendation is about, and how it can be used.


Coming soon

In partnership with the members of the UNESCO Open Science Working Groups, the UNESCO Secretariat is preparing indices of open science resources that are available in 2023 to help in locating training materials, open knowledge resources on priority themes and policy instruments that are being used to create and support the transition to open science around the world.

The following will be available soon:

Open Indices

  • UNESCO Open Science Capacity Building index
  • UNESCO Index of Open Science Knowledge Sharing Platforms
  • UNESCO Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments (GO-SPIN) – Open Science module


  • Engaging society in open science
  • Nurturing open-source hardware for open science
  • Empowering journalism in open science
  • Promoting open dialogues with other knowledge systems


  • Checklist for an institutional action plan for open science


  • Towards equitable scholarly publishing
  • Intellectual property rights and open science
  • Overcoming challenges to the implementation of open science