UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize for the Promotion of Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize for the Promotion of Social Science Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

The UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize was instituted by the Executive Board, at the initiative of the Government of the Dominican Republic, in connection with the commemoration of the centenary of Professor Bosch’s birth in 2009. In creating the Prize, the Member States on the Executive Board recognized the remarkable contribution of Professor Juan Bosch to the study of social and political processes in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean region.

Awarded every two years, the Prize is intended to reward the best social science thesis of young researchers. The thesis, on a Latin America and the Caribbean subject, has to have made a significant research contribution to the promotion of social science research geared to social development policies in the region.

Juan Bosch

Juan Bosch was an author, politician, social analyst and ...

a fervent advocate of democratic values and a culture of peace in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through his work in literature, sociology and history, he made a remarkable contribution to the study of social and political processes in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean region for essayists, journalists and historians, among them some of the most outstanding figures of Latin America and the Caribbean. Professor Bosch is thus a symbol of national dignity, a source of great pride to our peoples and an example to be followed for present and future generations.

Juan Bosch lived in a period of complex historical circumstances that characterized Latin American and Caribbean countries during the 20th century: the two World Wars and the decolonisation process in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean led to deep social and economic transformations that would change international relations. Throughout these historical moments, we find Juan Bosch exerting great intellectual and moral influence in favour of the most noble causes. His brief period as President of the Dominican Republic, interrupted by a coup d’état, was a time where social transformations in the Dominican Republic hugely impacted the big majority of its society, hitherto marginalized by decades of violent dictatorship.

During his entire life, whether in the Dominican Republic or in the countries where he had to go to exile, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Cuba or Spain, he continuously worked both in the political and cultural areas. As a politician, he founded and took part in various initiatives and organizations conceived as instruments for social action. As an intellectual, he produced remarkable literary and academic work, e.g. novels, short stories, essays and articles. Juan Bosch’s life and work are examples of intellectual commitment to the most just causes of his time.

Juan Bosch

The UNESCO Prize that bears his name is another contribution to the promotion of Latin American younger generations’ work in the field of social sciences.

UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize - Laureate - Jason Haynes

Contact information

UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize
UNESCO - Social and Human Sciences Sector
7 place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP FRANCE
E-mail: premio.juan.bosch@unesco.org