2021 gem report - non state actors

Non-state actors in education

2021/2 GEM Report

Leadership and education

Leadership is at the heart of quality education. It has been argued that it is the second most important school factor explaining learning outcomes. Leaders at multiple levels matter, from those within the school, to those outside of the school, and even those outside of education systems.

The new concept note for the 2024/5 GEM Report, developed based on a  think-piece  by David Gurr, details how the theme will be explored. 

Join our consultation using the comments section on this webpage or by emailing us to provide feedback on this concept note, suggest relevant evidence for the theme or new areas of research to be explored.

leadership cover

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Her Education our Future

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Country Profiles
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Explore our online products:
Education Profiles

Countries’ laws and policies on key themes in education.

Education Progress

Summaries of key facts and trends in education around the world through five themes.

Education Estimates

Provides estimates of the completion and out of school rates.

Education Inequalities

Highlights circumstances like wealth, gender, ethnicity and location in shaping opportunities for education.

Among the poorest, gender gaps grow as girls move through the education system