Monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO's standard-setting instruments

Moon Wall by Miró
Last update: 25 октября 2022


The CR Committee is in charge of examining the reports submitted by Member States, pursuant to the UNESCO Constitution, on the action they have taken upon the conventions and recommendations adopted by the General Conference. The CR Committee’s reports, together with the Executive Board’s comments, are transmitted to the General Conference for its consideration.

The monitoring of the implementation of conventions and recommendations follows a specific multi-stage procedure adopted by the Executive Board (“Specific multi-stage procedure for the monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO Conventions and recommendations for which no specific institutional mechanism is provided”). Framework guidelines, also adopted by the Executive Board, provide Member States with indications on the information that is to be included in their reports with respect to conventions (“Framework guidelines for the preparation of reports on the implementation of conventions for whose monitoring the CR Committee is responsible”).

Under this procedure, the CR Committee monitors the implementation of 2 conventions and 17 recommendations.

Conventions and recommendations monitored by the CR Committee





Timetable for submission of Member States’ reports on measures taken to implement the standard-setting instruments for whose monitoring the Executive Board is responsible for the period 2022-2023 (214th session of the Executive Board)
Timetable Annex I
Timetable of work of the CR Committee for 2022-2025 (214th session of the Executive Board)
Timetable Annex II

Upcoming session