Woman on air, Koutiala, Mali

Community Media Sustainability

Community media, whether broadcast or online, are crucial to ensuring media pluralism and freedom of expression, and are an indicator of a healthy democratic society. As an alternative medium to public and commercial media, as well as social media, they are characterized by their accountability to, and participation of, the communities they serve. They have a greater focus on local issues of concern and facilitate public platforms for debate and discussion.


UNESCO – WHO Audio Messages against COVID-19
UNESCO and radio stations mobilized to fight against COVID-19

Voice of women, local radio and gender equality in Burundi

Testimonies of rural women whose lives have been transformed with the creation of a local radio dedicated to women in the community. Radio Ijwi ry'Umukenyezi (Voice of Women) in Burundi is pushing back sexist stereotypes in its community and encouraging women to become active and independent through its broadcasts.


Best practices of community radio and Sustainable Development Goals: a handbook
Community media: a good practice handbook
Community radio handbook