4th International Practical Online Conference “University of Childhood: Noteworthy Practices”

UNESCO IITE together with University of Childhood co-organized the 4th International Practical Online Conference “University of Childhood: Noteworthy Practices” dedicated to preschool care and education.
5 June 2023

UNESCO IITE at the Rehabilitation International Centennial Celebration Conference

Rehabilitation International celebrated its 100th Anniversary in Beijing, China, during May 19-23, 2023. IITE UNESCO became a co-organizer of the conference dedicated to The Centennial Celebration.
2 June 2023

“UN in Russia” Bulletin № 1 (January– April 2023) has been issued

This issue features an article about UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education, and the information about the events on media and information literacy.
10 May 2023

UNESCO IITE held a webinar “Media and Information Literacy and Emerging Technologies”

On 25 April 2023, the second webinar was held within the series of webinars organised by UNESCO IITE and its partners under the common title “Harnessing Technology to Transform Education”. The webinar aimed to discuss the development and promotion of media and information literacy in the context of the rampant development of frontier technologies that are radically changing the media environment.
29 April 2023

UNESCO’s Higher Education Conversation Series

UNESCO’s Higher Education Conversation series is back, with a second round of conversations in the leadup to the entry into force of the Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education.
31 May 2023

Invitation to the Webinar “Technical and Educational Challenges, Capacities and Readiness of Schools to Use the Potential of Digital Innovations and AI: Presentation of the best practices collected from around the world”

The webinar intends to familiarize the global audience of educators with the best practices on teaching and learning using ICTs collected throughout the world in 2022-2023.
29 May 2023

Invitation to the Webinar “Technical and Educational Challenges, Capacities and Readiness of Schools to Use the Potential of Digital Innovations and AI”: Presentation of the findings of the global survey of teachers”

The teachers’ responses helped to identify key issues in the field of digital innovations in education from across the world. The webinar will summarize and explore the outcomes of the survey of over 13,000 teachers; the findings are expected to inform local, community and national initiatives to further strengthen and develop a more effective educational environment, taking into account the post-pandemic situation.
20 May 2023

Invitation to the Webinar “Teaching to Beat Climate Change”

The webinar for teachers of ASPnet schools and beyond will be held on 27 June 2023 as part of the project "Connecting schools online for inter-cultural teaching and learning" realized jointly with HEDU (China).
20 May 2023