

IICBA implements a wide range of projects related to teacher professional development and more broadly education policy throughout the African continent.

Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX-19)

IICBA manages KIX-19, a hub to facilitate cross-country knowledge exchange and mobilization among anglophone countries in eastern, southern, and western Africa with six thematic areas: Teaching and Learning; Learning Systems; Early Childhood Care and Education; Gender Equality; Inclusion; and Data.

Knowledge and Innovation Exchange

National Teacher Policies

IICBA provides guidance on teacher policy development, including teacher education curricula, continuous professional development, professional standards, competency profiles, motivation, competence-based education, inclusive education, quality assurance, and gender responsive pedagogy.

National Teacher Policies

Capacity Building of Education Sector Personnel

This intervention focuses on three priority areas: a) evidence-based sector-wide policy and planning; b) skills for life and work; and c) improvement of teachers’ practice. Training is provided to Ministries of Education, local education groups, NGOs, and teachers’ associations, among others.

Capacity Building of Education Sector Personnel

ICT, Open/Distance Learning, and STEM Education

Components of this program include using the TPACK model in teaching and learning; empowering teachers on eLearning content development and assessment; training teachers, TV and radio personnel in providing ODL; and developing digital skills and technology enhanced gender-responsive pedagogy.

ICT, Open/Distance Learning, and STEM Education

Education for Peace and Violence Prevention

IICBA supports countries to mainstream peace education in teacher training and higher institutions. The approach promotes Transformative Pedagogy to equip teachers and learners with essential competencies for peace and emphasizes active engagement of youth and youth-led initiatives.

Education for Peace and Violence Prevention

Gender-Responsive Pedagogy

This program promotes gender equality and equity in education systems across. An online course and toolkit are being developed based on implementation in 15 countries. The focus is on gender-responsive lessons/teaching materials, boosting learning outcomes, and promoting a safe learning environment.

Gender-responsive pedagogy

Education for Health and Wellbeing

This program seeks to build resilience and strengthen psychosocial support for teachers and teacher educators. An evidence-based regional guide and strategy for psychosocial impacts on mental health and psychosocial support for teachers has been developed and piloted in several countries. 

Education for Health and Wellbeing

Professionalization of Teaching in the Asia-Pacific and Africa

This project provides technical guidance for developing and operationalizing national teacher competencies and teaching standards frameworks at the regional level and use the guidance as entry points and tools to inform and improve teacher policy and teacher training in both regions.

Professionalization of Teaching in the Asia-Pacific and Africa

Using Formative and Summative Learning Assessments

IICBA is analyzing national assessments and building competencies of EMIS staff to carry out regular quality measurements and utilize item response theory and item design to create tests that are comparable over time, creating competency scales and promoting dissemination of assessment reports.

Using Formative and Summative Learning Assessments

Early Childhood Education - Play and Resilience

The program complements existing efforts by government and non-government players in three countries to help underserved communities by building human resource capacity and resource materials. Training has been developed for teachers, caregivers, and other stakeholders.

Early Childhood Education - Play and Resilience

Quality Assurance in Teacher Education

This program supports teacher training institutions to improve teacher education. Apart from guidance materials, situational analyses have been conducted at the country level and toolkits have been developed to enhance teacher education monitoring and accountability.

Quality Assurance in Teacher Education

Genocide and Global Citizenship Education

This project has three main components; (i) the assessment of teachers’ and teacher trainers’ needs; (ii) the development of a teachers’ guide; and (iii) dissemination of the guide via regional and national workshops. The teachers’ guide has been piloted in a half dozen countries.

Genocide and Global Citizenship Education