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For Members: UNEVOC Centre Dashboard
Thematic Areas: Inclusion and Youth | Digital Transformation | Private Sector Engagement | SDGs and Greening TVET
Our Key Programmes & Projects: BILT: Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET | Building TVET resilience | TVET Leadership Programme | WYSD: World Youth Skills Day
Past Activities: COVID-19 response | i-hubs project | TVET Global Forums | Virtual Conferences | YEM Knowledge Portal
Our Services & Resources: Publications | TVET Forum | TVET Country Profiles | TVETipedia Glossary | Innovative and Promising Practices | Entrepreneurial Learning Guide
Events: Major TVET Events | UNEVOC Network News
UNESCO-UNEVOC recognizes the importance of fostering discussion and engagement with companies (global, local, small and medium-sized enterprises) to ensure TVET is demand-driven and future-focused. To facilitate this collaboration, UNESCO-UNEVOC is working to create a global platform for partnership between private companies and the development community. This platform will provide opportunities for both parties to prepare for the future of work and TVET collectively, and to synergize respective investments at the country level.
To maximize impact, UNESCO-UNEVOC will prioritize the industries most likely to be disrupted by the processes of digitalization, automation and greening.
The Apprenticeship Programme Project targeting specialized high schools has been jointly conducted by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Employment and Labour since 2014. Those schools designated to implement this project operate the cours ...
Strengthening technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is an important strategy to contribute to equitable, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies. Indeed, one of the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on ensuring ‘inclu ...
A Comparative and Longitudinal Analysis
This report is based on eight country case studies and seeks to inform policymakers and practitioners in the Arab States, including private sector and civil society about how to design and manage effective work-based learning programmes targeting you ...
9 to 16 May 2016
The virtual conference sought to inform the wider technical and vocational education and training (TVET) community about a collaborative research project currently undertaken by the NCVER and UNESCO-UNEVOC which aims to explore the different benefits ...
What are the conditions behind the success of the German apprenticeship system, known as the "dual system of vocational education and training"? What are the main considerations of German companies and private sector institutions when financing t ...