Nativity Church

UNESCO Ramallah

Representation for

UNESCO's office in Ramallah was established in 1997, initially as a liaison office. At its inception, it dealt with Education and Culture in Palestine. Over time, it also began to incorporate Communication and Information activities. Now designated as a National Office, UNESCO's work in Palestine represents a sustained effort in international cooperation to support the Palestinian people in the main areas of UNESCO’s competence. From promoting the rights to education and freedom of expression, to safeguarding cultural and natural heritage sites, the wide range of projects and activities are designed to have an impact on the largest number of beneficiaries possible.


Making learning fun in Palestine
Conservation and management of Tel es-Sultan / Ancient Jericho
Futureproofing skills through STEAM & Coding
The Butterfly Effect: Elevating women's voices for change through the arts in Gaza
From theory to practice - training the TVET trainers in Palestine
UNESCO & UN Women unite to enhance gender equality in Palestinian media
UNESCO & Ministry of Education inaugurate the Palestine Educational TV Channel

Our impact in numbers


have been established in Palestine

Properties inscribed

on the World Heritage List

UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet)

7 primary schools, 5 primary and secondary schools, 32 secondary schools

Historic sites

rehabilitated in Palestine

Journalists or media professionals

trained by UNESCO Ramallah since 2020 (726 women and 604 men)

Schools in Palestine

Have benefited from educational training

Girls and boys from 20 marginalized schools

benefited from activities related to psychosocial support.

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UNESCO Sites & Designations in the Arab Region

World Heritage Sites

in the Arab Region

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in the Arab region (some shared with other countries)

Endangered Languages

registered by Arab States are being monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in the Arab region

Creative cities

in the Arab region

Heritage documentaries

in the Arab region listed on the Memory of the World Register


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