UNESCO addresses sharing vision programs for Sudan as road map for achieving the prosperity of Sudanese people hopes during in line with biennial sectorial priorities and medium-term strategy, and to assist Sudan in post-conflict and disaster situations, concentrating its efforts to help avoid the recurrence of conflicts by addressing their root causes and to ensure recovery and development to prepare the new generation for the challenges of the 21st century.

khartoum backgroud 3

انخرط مع اليونسكو

اتخذ موقفا وساعدنا على إحداث التغيير

UNESCO Sites & Designations in the Arab Region

World Heritage Sites

in the Arab Region

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in the Arab region

Endangered Languages

registered by Arab States are being monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in the Arab region

Creative cities

in the Arab region

Heritage documentaries

in the Arab region listed on the Memory of the World Register

اكتشف المزيد من المنشورات