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The website of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) is currently being redesigned and the new website will be made available in the coming months. For technical reasons, the publishing of event news is therefore suspended. The UCCN Secretariat thanks you for your understanding and cooperation. 
Starting from 8 May, Melbourne, a UNESCO Creative City of Literature, will launch the next series of the podcast entitled “Tramlines”, an initiative aiming to promote the city’s creative community and literary talents. Accessible and free, the podcast series revolves around the theme of the public transport experience and comprises of unique pieces of writing and stories to be listened to on the tram. Tailoring stories and audios to specific tramlines and specific stops, each episode brings storytelling to every tram journey, inviting the...
The UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) Secretariat is pleased to announce the launch of the 2023 Call for Applications. The UCCN was created in 2004 with the objective of encouraging international cooperation between cities that invest in culture and creativity as a strategic lever for sustainable urban development. The Network covers 7 creative fields, for which interested cities can apply: Crafts and Folk Art, Design, Film, Gastronomy, Literature, Media Arts and Music. Launched every two years, the Call for Applications offers the...
Until 31 May 2023, the Karlsruhe Media Arts Film Scholarship 2023 is calling for entries for short film ideas. Karlsruhe, a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts, is organizing the third edition of the Karlsruhe Media Arts Film Scholarship, with the support of Filmboard Karlsruhe and the INDEPENDENT DAYS | Internationale Filmfestspiele Karlsruhe. This international ternational scholarship gives the opportunity for independent filmmakers and creatives with limited financial resources, including students, to produce a low-budget project...
Until 24 March 2023, the Shenzhen Global Design Award is calling for entries in 4 categories: Urban Design, Fashion Design, Digital Design and Communication Design under the theme “Global Design, Shenzhen Energy.” Shenzhen, a UNESCO Creative City of Design, is organizing the Shenzhen Design Award (SDA) 2023, an international design competition aimed at recognizing and rewarding the most cutting-edge designers across the world whose projects showcase creativity, foresight, vision and influence. In addition, it provides the international...
From 17 February to 19 February, Karlsruhe, a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts, organized a series of immersive artistic projections throughout the city of Timișoara, its long-standing partner, to celebrate its designation as the 2023 European Capital of Culture. On three consecutive evenings, “Ballet of the Cities”, an impressive video installation by local Karlsruhe artist Jonas Denzel, made the city of Timișoara’s buildings come alive and dance, by staging choreographed dances projected on the National Theatre, Opera House and a...
From 16 to 22 February, Aswan, a UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art, organized the 10th Aswan International Festival of Art and Culture. Held annually, the event aims to celebrate the "Baptism of the Sun", a unique natural phenomenon made possible by the creative genius of ancient Egyptian architects. Occurring on specific days, this phenomenon takes place when the sunlight enters the temple of Abu Simbel, a globally known UNESCO World Heritage Site, and illuminates the three statues located inside, namely of Pharaoh Ramses II, Ra the...
On 5 January, Vranje, a UNESCO Creative City of Music, hosted the choir event “Orthodox Christmas Concert” to foster intergenerational knowledge sharing amongst choristers and to celebrate the city’s rich musical culture and tradition. Organized with the support of the Cultural and Educational Center Vranje and Music School ‘Stevan Mokranjac’, the Christmas concert offered three performances by the City Mixed Choir, the Music School Choir and its young members, accompanied by an orchestra. Reuniting three generations of choristers, the...
From 8 January to 29 April, UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy and of Film are invited to submit entries for the Food Film Category of the San Antonio Film Festival (SAFILM). Promoted by San Antonio, a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, the Food Film Category aims to celebrate the food film genre, and is therefore welcoming proposals for short and feature-length, as well as animated, documentary and experimental films revolving around the theme of food and cooking. This year in its 29th edition foreseen from 1 to 6 August 2023, the...
On 24 January, UNESCO Creative Cities will be mobilizing to celebrate World Day for African and Afrodescendant Culture. Adopted during the 40th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2019, this international event honours the diverse and vibrant cultures of Africa and its diasporas and promotes them as powerful catalysts for strengthening cultural diversity, international cooperation and peace. To mark this celebration, UNESCO Creative Cities are organizing a variety of events, from conferences and exhibitions to workshops and...