
60 years of the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education – What happened since the adoption?

Balloons60 years and… more and more ratifications,

but not enough! We need universal ratification.

Non-discrimination is not an option!

60 years and… only half of countries worldwide 

that protect the Right to Education without discrimination in their constitutions.



Balloons60 years and… ten consultations

monitoring how Member States are implementing the provisions of the Convention and the Recommendation.

Ratification is the first step; implementation is the next!


Balloons60 years and… multiple actions,

to ensure a powerful and effective follow-up

of the findings obtained with the consultations.

  • Click here to discover all our resources on the Right to Education


Balloons60 years and… a rich, multi-faceted, relentless work

at UNESCO level to ensure, monitor and advocate

for the Right to Education without discrimination throughout the world.