About UNESCO Quito

UNESCO Quito, with representation for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, provides assistance and technical support to these countries for the design of policies, plans and programmes, as well as support for capacity building and exchange of good practices in the areas of the Organization's mandate: education, natural, social and human sciences, culture and heritage, and communication and information; through collaborative and synergistic work with governments, academia, civil society organisations and other international cooperation agencies for the achievement of sustainable development, respect and care for nature with citizen participation, education and the construction of a culture of peace based on human rights, gender equality and social justice, "leaving no one behind".


UNESCO Quito and UNDP Ecuador in campaign against misinformation
Training on Gender Equality
UNESCO Quito in global partnership to overcome COVID-19
Ecuadorian dancers

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UNESCO Sites & Designations in Latin America and the Caribbean

World Heritage Sites

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in Latin America and the Caribbean

Endangered Languages

registered by the States of Latin America and the Caribbean are monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Creative Cities

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Heritage documentaries

in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO publications and reports

Educación inclusiva: justicia social por la movilidad humana y las discapacidades: memoria webinario
UNESCO Office Quito
Memoria webinarios del curso Reconoce: oportunidades curriculares de educación integral de la sexualidad (EIS)
UNESCO Office Quito
Memoria conversatorio: el rol de las mujeres en la educación
UNESCO Office Quito
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